Manfred Gödel
Manfred Gödel worked as a biologist at the Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich researching the diurnal control of molecular processes (PhD). Since then, he has dealt with the systemic, physical-chemical principles of the temporal structuring of living organisms and their use for biotechnological applications. He teaches biology and chemistry at the Mindeltal schools in Scheppach. As the founder of Evolventure, he is establishing a laboratory for research and art. He has a teaching position in medical psychology at the LMU. Working in collaboration with Michaela Rotsch, he combines science and art, for example, in the projects Zwischenraumzüchtung (Interspace Cultures) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Identität und Differenz (Identity and Difference) at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In his own sculptural works, he is particularly concerned with the relationship between scientific knowledge and artistic representation.
Manfred Gödel is a practicing Catholic.