29 06 17 — 2:30

Dr Sarika Srivastava a not so young anaesthetist happened to cross roads with me on the wilful wearing of a saree by a contemporary woman.
She says she always had the freedom to choose between westerns, other Indian dresses and Sarees.
Then what prompted her to wear this apparently complicated drape.
She grins and says -I always want to make a style statement together with being innovative. No other dress permits both the things so easily.
Dr Sarika says she wanted to wear clothes that were tight enough to compliment her feminity but lose enough to show sophistication.She slyly grins and says, “Above all this is my main purpose everyday was to tease his imagination-(my husband: my friend & my lover) With this dress I could control him by leaving the saree a bit lower here and promptly fixing it by bringing it a bit high again. He always said the way you lift it up and fix it turns me on! A little peep of my ankle, a modest display of my curvaceous waist and a beautiful bare back always brought me many compliments. it was like despite wearing a five yards drape your man could see through”.
A very powerful and a sensuous dress indeed.